Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rescue from the Wilderness

Dear beloved reader,

This blog addition is from a Brother Brad from Colorado. It was posted without any comments concerning this vision and scriptures for a season. As I ponder this vision of the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, scattered and left in pieces, it has provoked me to go deeper into His heart.

That deeper cry has birthed the next 3-5 Blogs which will be about the "Unity of the Spirit" and the putting together of His body.

I want to thank Brother Brad from Christianity Confesses for His love and dedication to the Lord. Please check out His website that is linked to our site as well.

Thanks Brad!

Beloved Readers,

As I sat at the piano with the Bible I opened to Psalm 121 the Lord had me read it once through.

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Then he opened my spirit to this vision.

I saw myself "the Body" lost in a valley with hills all around. I was marooned there stranded as though wrecked or something. I had a map but not one part of my body knew how to read it. No part of the Body knew which way was up, there is no legend and no key. The map is worthless.

Then I hear the call of the Lord to come up the hill where I would find help but which hill? Which direction did it come from. I, "the Body", could not figure it out so we split some parts of the Body went up that hill, others went that direction, while others followed me. I had split up.

Then I, "the Spirit", had found the Lord but the rest of me was left in the wilderness. The parts that had followed dropped off because they were too weary to continue or had given into the fate that they were stuck in the wilderness forever. I, "the Spirit", however had continued and found the Lord. Some fell and were left behind due to injury and other did not believe rescue was possible.

Then I, "the Spirit", bowed down before the Lord and worshiped Him. I worshiped the Lord Almighty with songs from the heart, but the song was missing something. The song was not full because part of my body was left behind in the wilderness. I begged the Lord to send back the Holy Spirit to retrieve my whole body. That way the I, "the Bride", could be whole again and complete. I said to the Lord, "Lord what good is your bride with out hands to hold, feet and legs so I can go with you, hair to caress, and a bosom to hold you." I begged the Lord not to leave His bride in pieces in the wilderness but that he would go and gather His Bride and restore her to health, not cutting off one member. I said to the Lord, "heal my body so that the gardener would not cut of a single branch from the vine." I pleaded with the Lord to go and gather my body from the wilderness and connect it back together so that I, "the Body of the Bride", would be one on the day of the great wedding. The day that the New Jerusalem would be given as a gift to the bride. "Lord make me whole again", I, "the spirit", cried out to the Lord.

Then the Lord looked upon me, "the spirit of the Bride", the only one to make it out of the wilderness, His eyes told me that my body would once again be united. He told me that when the day of the great wedding comes He would make His Bride whole once again.

As I reach the conclusion of this time of ministering to the Lord he showed me a final picture; The Lord in the wilderness where I had been forsaken gathering the fallen pieces of the Body.

Dear Readers, I encourage you no matter where you live to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Bring yourself to His feet daily. Climb the hill of the Lord, find the maker of heaven and earth. Sing praises to Him. Then when He is ready He will go into the wilderness's of your life and start to gather the fallen pieces of His body.

Which direction will you go when the Lord calls you out of the wilderness? Will you know how to read the map without compass and without a key or legend? The thought of being stranded in the wilderness of this world without the knowledge of how to find my way to the safety of my Lord and savior. Dear reader if this is you seek out the Lord, learn to hear his voice, search for Him daily so when the time comes you will know which direction He would have to take out of the wilderness and into His Palace.

I pray this has blessed each of you.

Mahalo and Aloha.

1 comment:

Rev. Henry J. Falcone said...

Dear Brad,

I want you to know this vision was so powerful for me that it burned a desire in me for the Body of Christ to be united.

The next blog writings God is giving me, is how God can bring these body parts together.

I am not sure if the Body of Christ here in America is ready to hear this word yet, and what it will take to bring the true unity of the Spirit, but it is going to happen to those who are "willing and obedient" to come into the flame of the Lord.

Thank you for your comments, they provoked me deeper into the Lord!