Beloved's of the Lord
I was two months old as a Christian and sat in my sister's church in Virginia when I went to hear a minister from India speak to the church.
When He was speaking for the second time in my life the Lord spoke to me so clearly in my heart. He said, Read Matthew 10. So I did. When I began to read the chapter from the 5th verse to the 15th verse, I literally burned with the presence of God.
It was like the Lord spoke these words with an audible voice to the depth of my being. When he was done speaking, He told me to underline these verses and to write next to it Building Block 1. So I did. Then I heard him say, "Henry, this is what I have called you to do."
As you read this, may the Holy Spirit reveal what I am about to write about this early morning.
5 Jesus sent out these twelve, charging them, Go nowhere among the Gentiles and do not go into any town of the Samaritans;
6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
7 And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand!
8 Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give.
9 Take no gold nor silver nor [even] copper money in your purses (belts);
10 And do not take a provision bag or a [a]wallet for a collection bag for your journey, nor two undergarments, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the workman deserves his support (his living, his food).
11 And into whatever town or village you go, inquire who in it is deserving, and stay there [at his house] until you leave [that vicinity].
12 As you go into the house, give your greetings and wish it well.
13 Then if indeed that house is deserving, let come upon it your peace [that is, [b]freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the result of sin]. But if it is not deserving, let your peace return to you.
14 And whoever will not receive and accept and welcome you nor listen to your message, as you leave that house or town, shake the dust [of it] from your feet.
15 Truly I tell you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town.
Beloved, I don't know why God spoke this to me then, but I do understand it much more clear now. I am writing this because there is a something wrong in most Christians thinking about the work of God.
Most believe that is worthy to support workers, and churches that are reaching out to their communities and bringing in the harvest of the Lord into the house and they would be correct in that thinking. Many give so much to works like that because they see the efforts of the lost being saved, and again rightly so.
But beloved in many of those same churches there are lost sheep. Sheep who do not know God's voice. Sheep who don't have a clue to God's will for their lives. Sheep who have intellectually been saved. Sheep who are saved into their church and not Christ and have no evidence of a new creation life. Sheep that don't know how to be led by the Spirit of God or filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In those same churches many saints are living in gross sin, in bondage to all types of habits from lust to pornography, pot smoking, drinking, living together, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness in their hearts. Many of those same saints are lukewarm with their walk with God, or even have grown cold. Yet these saints, touch the holy things of God Sunday after Sunday. They have leadership positions in the church and even, lead worship, teach the youth, head up the Sunday Schoo, or do home group meetings with no conviction of the true state of their spiritual life.
Many of these become wonderful church members, but are not even qualified to be a disciple because they have never denied themselves, pick up their cross and follow Jesus. Some never hear it preached. Most of these minister operate only when the Holy Spirit comes upon them to serve with his power gifts, but the anointing does not come from within them as their life, but only upon them for service.
Many are so immature spiritually in the church and never grow past what God can do for them. They go to church go for the "bless me "feeling of what God is going to do for them as spiritual babes, but they never become Spiritual Fathers or Mothers. They may become teachers, for there are many of them, but most of these Christians still mere infants in Christ and can't digest the solid food of the mature.
Beloved, so many church members never hear the Gospel of the Kingdom message. They have no idea of what it means that Christ in you, the hope of Glory. They never live a full life free from sin that our new life was supposed to bring. Most Christians don't hear about the holiness of God and how Christ Jesus wants to live His life in them and through them completely as God's holy people reflecting His kingdom of Earth.
Instead many Christians have become content to get their good doses of church ministry, doctrines, outreaches and all sorts of activities which makes them feel good when they go home, but no real tangible evidence of a Christian life under the direction of the Holy Spirit is rarely seen.
Andrew Murray writes:
Your house, Christian, your spiritual life, the dwelling, the temple of God in your heart,--in what state is that? Is it not often like the temple of old, in Jerusalem, that had been defiled and made a house of merchandise, and afterwards a den of thieves?
Your heart, meant to be the home of Jesus,is it not often full of sin and darkness, full of sadness, full of vexation? You have done your very best to get it changed, and you have called in the help of man, and the help of means; you have used every method you could think of for getting it put right; but it will not come right until He whose it is, comes in to take charge.
Is this not the real condition of the majority of the saints in this nation? Aren't many doing the religious life of going to church, doing activities, but their hearts are still sold on doing whatever pleases them. Most of the church today is either lukewarm, cold or holds a form of godliness denying the power there of.
So what does God want to do, He chooses 12 disciples and says to them don't go to the gentiles (the lost) but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and see the condition of my people.They are lost and not true disciples of Jesus Christ. So go them Jesus says to the 12, and when you go say something.
When you open your mouth and you go to them. Preach the KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND! Not the beginning of the Gospel of being saved from your sins, but the fullness of the Gospel message you have been FREED from the POWER OF SIN OVER YOUR LIFE. (ROMANS 8:1-3)
When you bring this message those in the church will be a mess and sick, so heal the sick physically and spiritually, cast out the devils and their power over my people. cleanse the spiritual lepers that have a spiritual disease that keeps them away from God and his people.
Raise the spiritual dead, they have a reputation of being alive. They have made a name for themselves, but they are dead, and have little life left in them.
Go to them in the power of my Spirit with the Kingdom of God message and set them free. For this purpose was the Son of God made manifest that he would destroy the works of the devil. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
Jesus said, "my house, (you are the temple of the Holy Spirit) shall be a house of prayer, but YOU have made it a den of thieves What thieves?" Every other desire, every idol, every thought, every plan apart from the Holy Spirits birthing are thieves robbing us of our full life in Christ, and Christ in us!
Go to them, preach the kingdom message, bring my healing power to them and set them free to be true disciples of me. Since the great commission was not to save everyone, but preach the Gospel MAKING DISCIPLES.
Pastors, Leaders, what is the condition of the flock you serve? Are they living behind the veil of God's presence. Are they living in the outer courts or holy place? Where is the fruit of the Spirit in their lives and the true signs of spiritual growth? Pastors are you still the center of their focus, or is the body building itself in love where a man is not lifted up, a ministry is not lifted up, but Jesus alone is glorified?
When they leave your meetings, do they feel good, do they say to you great message pastor, then you probably missed God and did not meet one of his needs, but you met the needs of the people. You may have put the needs of men over the needs of God? Do you know God was satisfied after your meeting? Were you even conscious of his feelings?
Did the people decrease so Christ could increase? Were believer prepared like Peter, John and James, to straightway immediately drop their nets, their jobs, their lives as they knew them to be and follow Jesus? Are the people in your church true disciples or church members. A disciple is like his master in every way. Are they living their live totally surrendered to god and His will?
Do they even know what that means that God requires absolute surrender to His will? Do they know there is only one will, God's will and when we keep choosing what we want in our life, we deny Christ and please our selves, or did you teach them to deny themselves, and gain Christ?
Pastors do you see the evidence of spiritual mature men and women being raised up under you care that can demonstrate and not just speak they have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless they live, but not them, but Christ lives in them.
Are we just building a community of believers, or are is God building a Kingdom of living stones being built up into a spiritual house? We need to be careful to what "form of Godliness' we are yoking up with? One that makes the needs of men first, or one that meets the needs of God first.
When God spoke to my heart Matthew 10, I had no idea the state of the church was really in and how many lost sheep their are. These are not sheep rebellious and not going to church, these were right inside the church walls going to church and probably sitting on the board of directors.
What makes them lost? When they loose sight of the kingdom of God. When thy are living for 2 wills, theirs and Gods. When they are living a life still full of sin and not pursing the holiness of God with all their heart to be worked in them. Is everything funny these days?
Why do Pastors have to put 100 jokes in their sermons, and fill it with self help techniques and not the Spirit of God that would convict many of their sin? Have you replaced their intimate relationship with God with you, minister of God, and your church ministry? Have you unknowingly taken them from their first love and focused on works alone?
Jesus said, I know your works, they are more numerous than at first, and you try those who say they are apostles and are not, nevertheless I HAVE ONE CHARGE AGAINST YOU, YOU HAVE DESERTED ME YOUR FIRST LOVE.
Beloved, all of Revelation 2 and 3 speak of a church and a people who are lost. They are lost from the true and full gospel message of the Kingdom of God.
They only have the gospel of salvation from their sins, the gospel of go to church and be a good church member, but the life of a true disciples of Jesus Christ is not seen anywhere in their lives.
God is rising up a company of a new breed of leadership that will have this message burning in them to turn God's peoples hearts back to him and they will have a word of consequence in their mouths to back up what they say.
There words will be in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit causing a true and genuine repentance in the church first and then the world.
To the 12, he told them don't take any money with you, no collection bags, nothing. Why not? For the worker is worthy of his wages.
Any house that welcomes you stay there and if they welcome you, let your peace be upon it, but if they don't welcome you or the city doesn't shake the dust of your feet for judgment is coming to them worse than Sodom and Gomorah!
God is sending a new breed of leadership that won't fear men, or even religious leaders. They will speak the truth in love, but in a boldness we have never seen filled with the very fire of God burning in their bones.
Will these ministers be seen the same as those who are doing great community outreach? Will they get the respect and love and care because of the work they are called to do in the house?
Or will they be persecuted, thrown out and spoken evil of because they church and leaders reject the true work of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that would refine each one like gold and silver.
When there work has a need they will be accused of "begging for money."Will they be accused of not wanting to work and every other evil work. Yet Jesus says in Matthew chapter 10, "the workman is worthy of his wages?"
This new breed will be seen as being the off scourge of the earth of no value since they are not winning the lost at all cost. The work they are called to do "inside of the house" will not be considered real "missionary work" because "missionaries" just reach to lost. Yet there is an apostolic/prophetic mission work in the house of God that needs the remnant support to do that work as much as reaching the Lord.
All types of evil will be spoken of this new breed sent to God's house to prepare a people for the Kingdom of God age coming upon the Earth. . That is the rest of Matthew 10 you should finish reading it. It will be a life of suffering for these sent ones, but they will go willingly and lovingly even if their needs are neglected by those they are sent to.
Why is this work any less God then those who are doing outreach to the lost. God is doing his "outreach" to the lost in his house? Those who have no clear vision of the Kingdom of God and what a life in Christ is and his life being lived in them?
When I was 2 months old in the Lord, God said to me this is building block one, and underline it, and this is what I called you to do? It is not glamorous and not even popular work of God, and it is looked down upon the religious leaders of our day as well and religious people who are holding God's people in bondage. This bondage allows a Christian to live for 2 wills. They can live to do their will as often as they choose and do God's will as often as they choose.
Beloved there are not 2 wills in God's kingdom, just one. THY WILL BE DONE!
Is Jesus coming back for a church living for 2 wills, cold and lukewarm.? Is He going to allow his leaders like that who have grown cold to his real desires enter and possess the keys to kingdom? Hardly!
The true foundation of Christ must be fully laid. Jesus is our savior not only from our past sins, but from the power of sin completely in our life. He is Lord of all! There is no lesser standard and no lesser Gospel.This is building block one, and God is now bringing it forth in our midst, the likes we have never seen before.
God is rising up Kingdom full Grown sons and daughters led by the Spirit of God now. Wil you support and join in with them with your life poured out as drink offering? Will you sow financially to them to do their work in the Lord out of love? Like Priscilla and Aquila, and the church at Philippi did for the Apostle Paul? Will you pray for these apostolic/prophetic missionaries like they did for Peter and Paul?
This is the time to open our eyes to what God truly desires, a dwelling place within us and us within him forever more. A brother needed a van to travel in Nigeria to reach all the villages in that area. When people heard about it this, churches, and other ministries they all came together to buy this minister a brand new van. They saw the value of the ministry.
Conversely, I have had to personally put a new engine in my SUV and a transmission, and now even have to put a front and rear differentials in my car, but who would see that the need I have a missionary is no less than our Brother in Nigeria? He needed his SUV to go where he was sent? Is the work of the house of God any less of value than winning the lost.
Don't I as well? I am not trying to make this personal, but to use an example of the two different mission works, one to the house of God, and one to the lost. Which one is more important than the other? Religious folks would say the Nigerian Pastor's need is greater because they are poor.
True missionaries are the same, often they can't work cause they are being sent. They all have family needs to meet. They all have cost to travel and care for God's sheep. We need to see God's work as one, whether to the lost or the household of God.
If I were in Africa feeding the hungry or in the inner city the need for my SUV repair would be seen as crucial, how many would rise up and help immediately help because of the poor they minister to. But there are spiritual poor in the house of God. There are spiritual sick in the house of God. There are spiritual devils to be removed from influencing people in the House of God.
There are spiritual prisoners in the house of God, and spiritually cold, lukewarm and dead. Are they any less valuable to God? Should we not care and support those called to do that work as well and help them do their "outreach apostolic/prophetic" ministry in the household of God?
The church in America and the west is in deep trouble. We have abandoned our first love, we have taught a watered down politically correct Gospel that has made Christian "church member" and not true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So Jesus says, GO NOT IN THE WAY OF THE GENTILES, BUT GO TO THE LOST SHEEP IN THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL! This is a major missionary work that God is bringing forth to gather His sheep into the barn and separate the wheat from the chaff. His House will be full. He will have for Jesus a Bride without wrinkle of spot. THE TIME IS HERE!
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