By Ron McGatlin
God has prepared a people of transition through seasons of wilderness survival and spiritual growth. Many of God’s chosen people have been trained to truly depend only on the Lord – to trust completely in God and walk with Him alone without the guidance or encouragement of a natural leadership structure over them.
For many the wilderness season taught us that we were able to be fully satisfied and productive without accolades from friends, associates, or any other natural sources. Some have faced extremely trying circumstance and loss of much of the old life that they once highly valued.
God has taught us to be filled with the joy and perfect peace of the higher life of abiding in Him, walking in His Spirit, living in the victory of humility in His presence where there is such intensity of His glory that nothing can bring us down again to live in the lower life of worldly self-centered emotions. We have learned both how to be abased and how to abound in our preparation for the journey that we are now entering.
In a sense all of this is part of the greater journey that began thousands of years ago. However, we happen to be living at the time of a crucial final leg of the journey. We have entered a season of movement through a dark land that is foreign to us and filled with much adversity, for which we have been trained by our time in the wilderness. Now it is time for final last minute preparation. We are to prepare much as if we were going on a journey through a hostile territory in which natural provisions and protections are lacking.
Confirming the souls of the disciples,
and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. - Acts 14:22.
At the other end of the journey is the promised land of
the reality of the kingdom of God on earth. We have been implanted with the precious seed of the kingdom of God. It is as if inside us is a bag of kingdom seed to replant and grow forth in the soil of the new cleansed earth. The fertile soil of the new world will be enriched with the compost and ashes of the old fallen world. Through much tribulation the new world is prepared to receive and grow the precious pure and holy seed of the kingdom of God.
The Lord hath done great things for us;
whereof we are glad. 4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south. 5 They
that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 He that goes forth
weeping, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
bringing his sheaves with him. - Psalm 126:3-6.
The end of the reign of terror and darkness will finally be wiped from the earth by the power and wisdom of God working through a relatively small army of kingdom men and women who have given their all to be carriers of the precious word of the kingdom of God reality into the generations of this world.
The seed of the kingdom within God’s chosen people is alive and thriving in our midst, filling our lives with the precious life of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. In the midst of the darkest hours of tribulation, the kingdom will continue to reign fully alive within us. Its righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit will continue filling our lives with brightness of His presence within us and clandestinely or secretly among us.
The kingdom world view is always positive in that all things continue to work together for good to those who love God and live according to His kingdom purposes. Though at times it may look like madness, there is always sane godly reasoning in all that happens as we journey into the fullness of His kingdom on earth. The solid rock-bottom reality is that we can ALWAYS TRUST GOD COMPLETELY. Whether we live long or die young in battle, we are the Lord’s and shall forever be with Him.
Our focus is not on the journey. Our eyes are not on that which is passing away. The fires of earth-cleansing judgment are consuming Babylon. All who remain in the great harlot city of Babylon are passing away. Our eyes are upon the goal. As we keep our eyes focused on our goal, the Bride city of New Jerusalem, our journey will continue steadfastly.
As we go many who are fleeing the fires of Babylon will join with us on our journey out of the Babylonian ruins into New Jerusalem, the ruling city of the kingdom of God on earth.
The New Land of Love
Be prepared to encounter love overwhelming and consuming our human hardness and natural strength. Tender-heartedness beyond anything most people have ever experienced or known will consume us, not human compassion or sorrow for what is going on around us but a supernatural heavenly love that leads to perfect oneness with God and with other people who are also being consumed in His love.
There is a pure holy sense of complete surrender and total peace that seems to melt who we were and transform us into a new being of love. No one can do anything to us that will in any way hinder or damage the perfect love that floods our beings and flows out to everyone around us.
In this perfect love there is no more fear, no more torment or terror. There is perfect peace, and every word or deed that proceeds from us contains the potency of God’s love. All creation on planet earth will obey and be changed by the power of the words of God spoken from our pure hearts that are completely consumed in perfect love. Truly all things are possible as God speaks through His sons and daughters to perform His will on earth.
Love for our Lord so consumes us that we would not for any reason say or do anything that is not what God is saying or doing. If there is anything that we fear, it would be the tragedy of disobeying or disappointing our Lord.
I pray that the Holy Spirit reveal and impart at least a down payment of this love to everyone reading this now. I know that probably many of us may feel that we now have or have had this love, and possibly that is true. However, I rather think that for many of us only when we encounter the things just ahead of us will there be such a death to our lives that room is made for this all-consuming love to flow into us. Probably only then as we are truly crucified in His love and our hearts are completely tender will we fully recognize that we only thought we had love and a tender heart before.
The Sheep and the Goats Divided
Brothers and sisters, we are entering a time of extremes, a time when there can no longer be any lukewarm or fence straddling. In the atmosphere of the fire of God dissolving evil and fully cleansing the godly, there will only be hot or cold, and the hot will get hotter and the cold will get colder. Mixture will no longer exist; darkness and light will no longer coexist mingled together. Darkness will be completely dark, and light with be completely brilliant.
Many saints, for whatever reason, will receive their final cleansing and enter into perfect love as they depart earth to be with the Lord in heaven. Many others will be crucified by His love and remain on earth as fully mature sons to finish the journey to plant the seeds of the kingdom of God in the new world without the hindrance of the powers of darkness.
Many past pretenders and merchandisers of the faith will curse God and blame Him and His pure-hearted people for the great troubling of their world. They will join with those who do not have an eternal yes in their hearts toward God and cling tightly to their Babylonian ways that lead to destruction. Those of our own “household” will become our enemies.
The enemy’s last major offensive will involve a major effort at controlling the entire world population by a few anti-Christ leaders. This effort will employ a beastly quantum electronic computer system capable of monitoring and eventually controlling all worldwide communications including all business, banking and monetary, military, governmental, and personal activities.
This false anti-Christ system is a man-made counterfeit of the true work of God’s kingdom system of the Holy Spirit networking of Christ Jesus, holy mature Sons of God, and holy angels all spiritually connecting and empowering the kingdom of heaven on earth. King Jesus is on the throne as the head of the supernatural network of heavenly authority on earth.
Hebrews 12:22-23: But
you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, 23 to the
general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the
spirits of just men made perfect, 24 to Jesus the Mediator of
the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than
that of Abel.
Ron McGatlin
My comments added:
Ron, This is so powerful and helps us understand what the Lord is truly speaking to us. At our last gathering of the saints Saturday night here in Gulf Breeze, the heart of what the Holy Spirit had your write is what manifested in our midst. What a choice or road God laid before us and the message was there is no lukewarm. There is hot or cold. The message was now was the time to enter into that fullness of love and though some may think they have experienced it to a degree, what is about to come through tribulation will be far greater and make us far stronger then the forces of darkness on the Earth. For several hours, God was gaining our attention and access to our hearts to prepare us for this work. Only the Lord knows who and how each opened their heart to the final preparation time to manifest as full grown sons and daughters.
This is such a timely word of instruction from the Lord to us and helps us see that these instructions are not from men, but from God Himself. That this is God's communication system speaking to us all. What God gave you gives even deeper light to what He was speaking to us and I pray imparting to us as well as He works in us, "to will it" and then to "do it" in us if we trust Him now like never before.
The Lord spoke that there is no more time. It is either now hot or cold and He said to us, that those who rebel in His house against this would shake their fist at him and curse him to his face. I almost didn't want those words to come out of my mouth because they broke my heart, but they were not mine to speak or not to speak, but His word of warning to His people.
This is the time and the moment to fix our eyes solely on the New Jerusalem. Again one of the prophetic words to us was that we needed to be like Abraham who looked for a heavenly city whose architect and builder was God. I am going to share this word with the saints that gather here and with us on the internet. This word is a powerful confirmation and more to what God spoke to us Saturday. Let every word be established out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses. Come thy kingdom of God, and be done your will oh God, on Earth as it is Heaven. Praise His Name!
Thank you Brother Ron and thank you even more Holy Spirit!
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