Monday, June 22, 2015

Children obey your parents in the Lord:

Beloved of the Lord,

I woke up today with this scripture going through me, Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord [as His representatives], for this is just and right.Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother—this is the first commandment with a promise—That all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.

Beloved Omega Generation, This is not an option, but a commandment: Obey your parents why? Because it is just and right. HONOR, ESTEEM AND VALUE AS PRECIOUS your mother and father, for this is the first commandment WITH A PROMISE!


Why would the Lord put such a weighty promise on a condition? A condition of obedience to your parents and honoring them? The answer: Because it is the order of God's Kingdom. Fathers have authority over their households. They are to love and serve their wives as Christ loves the church and together they are both to teach their children God's ways and the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of all wisdom. 

A parents role is to teach their child to be "dependent" upon the wisdom of someone wiser then them which is their parents. If they learn it with their natural parents they will then be able to learn how they must do the same thing with God . Why?  Isaiah 55:9 tells us,For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Jesus spoke of His Father the entire time He was on the Earth. He taught of His love for His Father, His desire of complete obedience to His father, and that He came only to do His Father's will. In exchange He told us the Father loved him and gave him all things. The Father gave him all power and authority of the kingdom to represent the Father fully on Earth as it is in Heaven. He said the Father and Him are one. One in heart, one in purpose, one in aim. So Jesus could preach, "Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Jesus did nothing on his own, only what the Father told him to do or showed him to do. He had no delight to seek his own will or ideas. Why? Because he came to be the second Adam. Where Adam failed Jesus did not. Jesus carried his obedience to death and even the death of the cross, so God the Father gave Him a name above every other name. 

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus replied saying, "Our Father who art in heaven, hollowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.... For thine is the kingdom, power and glory now and forever."

His life came under direct headship of His Father, For the Father is greater than the Son and the Son is subject willingly and lovingly in everything he does to His Father. 

In our earthly realm, why did God create the parents first? Adam was not born a baby, neither was Eve. Babies came out of their union together and as the two became one. From the minute Cain and Abel were born it was their parents responsibility to teach and train them in life. 

First and foremost their responsibility as parents was to train their children to know God and His ways and to live entirely under God's order and authority.  They were to teach their children how live to obey God in everything. God did not make them robots just to obey him, He gave them free will to choose to love and obey Him. Adam failed in the first attempt. Jesus succeeded as our second Adam.

When Adam and Eve fell we see what happened to the family after the fall? They became independent from God and now they could choose what is good and evil. What does Cain do?  Cain kills Abel and things are set in motion of what a life will look like outside the will of God. Cain had no desire to obey his parents naturally or God His father. 

God warned him sin was at the door and not sin, but he did what he wanted and disobeyed God direct orders. So it is today for those who are not truly in Christ Jesus as their Savior, Lord and King! The rest of what this fallen world came into existence as it is now because of our ability to choose our own will over God's will. 

Listen to how the old testament spoke of what you were to do with children that were rebellious and stubborn and disobedient to children. God meant it, it was a command. 

Deuteronomy 21:17-19

"If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his hometown. 20"They shall say to the elders of his city, 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.'Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel will hear of it and fear.

Imagine if we applied this standard today? But God is and was serious about Children obeying their parents. Yet today through our government and through society we expect others to raise our children, and our children are looking for excuses and those to blame for their sin, rebellion and stubbornness against their parents and authority.

Why does a 21 year old young man just beginning to live go into a church and kill 9 people because of the color of their skin? Where were the parents one would ask? They may have done all they could to teach this young man right from wrong, but the voices of evil get louder to those who don't know Christ everyday. So parents now must really seek God to know how to train and raise their child in the ways of God.

It takes great love and patience to be a parent and to be able to do this. It is very hard to see your children sometimes make decisions you know will truly harm them. Though you warn them of the impending danger, they just can't see it. So what does a parent do? Get on their knees and pray.

I remember when my son was little and he put his whole arm through a plate glass window. He literally cut in arm open in two. Blood was pouring out everywhere. I didn't know to do but get a towel wrap up his arm as tight as I could, and call 911.  

Not just 911 in the natural, but our heavenly Father. The ambulance came quickly and while I was with him in it, He looked at me and said, "Daddy am I going to die." I said, "Son that is not going to happen. God has called you with a purpose and a plan for you life you will surely not die."

I didn't know if he cut a major artery or what the diagnosis would be? But there in that ambulance was a Heavenly Father who loved Aaron much more than I did. He was only 6 years old.
I remember getting right into the room and they took the towel off, and all I saw was open flesh and bleeding and Donna almost passed out and freaked out naturally so. They took us both out of the room, they were going to let me stay with him through it, but because she was so hysterical we had to leave.

Honestly I was very upset I had to leave. I went outside and said, "Lord, I am supposed to be in there, he needs me to be with him." This is not fair God, please make a way for me to get in there.

Beloved's, God did not answer that prayer instead He spoke clearly to my spirit and said, "Henry, he is not just your son, he is mine and I made him and I am his Heavenly Father, why don't you trust me."

This is not a place to get in a debate with God. I had no right to question God's decision. I didn't know what the outcome would be, I had to simply trust God knows what He is doing.

Sometimes we never get the answers we need on Earth, and it may seem God is unfair, but His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

I remember a time when my kids were going to a birthday party. They were all adults and they were bringing my grand-daughter there as well. While I am driving the Holy Spirit speaks to me, "tell them to get out of there, there is going to be a man with a gun there."

It was quite alarming so I called each of them and said, "where are you?" They told me where they were going. I told them not to go there, there was danger there. They said, "Dad that is just you." You don't know what you are talking about, these are normal people."

Again the Holy Spirit warned me and I said to them, "don't go or get out of there now cause some of them were already there." I told them if you don't meet in Dunkin Donuts in 20 minutes I am going to come there personally and drag you out of there." I said, "if I have to embarrass you to save you from danger, so be it."

As I started toward Dunkin Donuts, my middle daughter calls me hysterically on the phone, "Dad, there is a guy here with a gun and he is pointing at everyone." She was hiding and then began to speak in tongues. As soon as she did, the guy ran out of the house and left.

You wonder sometime why won't this generation of children listen to their parents. Well, everything from TV to what is in the world says, "listen to your self." You see, if you can't listen to your natural parents how will you ever listen to God who is your heavenly Father!

Back in the hospital waiting room, I had a choice listen to my Heavenly Father and trust him or do my own thing.

My dad was an alcoholic most of his adult life. He abused my mother greatly. But He instilled in us a hard working ethic and to make a better life for my kids then he was able to do for me. He told me what was right and wrong, though he struggled with things himself.

He told me about hanging around people who do drugs not to, and why not to drugs. He taught me about money management and taking care of your bills. He taught me about praying when you need help although we were still Catholic at the time and new how to pray very limitedly.

When my friends started using drugs, I removed myself from them. If they tried to bring with them while I drove I would never take them. I changed friends, because of my Father's words. "Henry, drugs will mess up your life. If you are around people who do them and police came you will be as guilty as they are just being with them." Don't ever do that!"

When those situations came, I could hear my Father's voice. I could hear my Father's counsel. Though he struggled much in his own life, the wisdom and love he tried to guide me in was there. Those words kept me in the most difficult times. I could of ended up like so many who have alcoholic parents. I could have made excuses for my failures, but I knew I was personally responsible for my own choices.

The devil didn't make me do it, if I failed it was my choice, not my parents fault, not because I was the youngest kid, or that I felt my Dad liked my sister better than me. I didn't have the "blame others" mentality that this generation of young people have.

I was personally responsible for my own actions. God gave me a Father who did love me the best he could and a mom as well. My mom and Dad together taught us how to behave, how to listen, how to respect their elders, how to honor our parents, how to behave in church and how to honor God no matter what.

Were they perfect parents, hardly! Are Donna and I perfect parents, no? But we do know the difference between right and wrong, and the holy from the profane. We stumble and fall because we are not fully change yet as God desires, but we are pressing on toward the mark of the high calling of God.

We are trusting God to lead us and guide us everyday and we want a Heavenly Father. We want His wisdom and guidance. I need a God who can speak to me to warn my children. I need a God that loves them more then me. I need a God who can be with me in that Hospital room to speak to me. When Aaron went into surgery they said, he may loose all use of his hands and arm because of the injuries of the glass in his arm.

But God spoke and said, "Henry he is not just your son, he is mine. The Doctors came out of surgery with Aaron,  and said, "It is a miracle, the glass missed every important artery, muscle and tissue, he will have full use of his arm and hand. He will have a major scar, but that is it!" Praise you ABBA GOD! Praise you Jesus Christ!

God is faithful. Sometimes the outcome is not what we hope and we can question God about those things, but in the end we must trust him as our Heavenly Father. Young children, teens and young adults, and even older adults, listen carefully to the words you are reading in this post!

I write this to all children no matter whether you are an adult, teen or child. The word of God says honor your mother and father, listen to their commands and obey them, they are given to you for a reason to protect you, guide you and help you.

None of us as children do it perfectly, and often times as parents we can see where you are heading in the wrong direction. We must do all we can to warn you of the danger ahead! Let those words sink into you, let them guide you so you can seek God and pray, God are my parents right? Children, Teens, and Young Adults listen to your parents, they are given to you as a gift from God.

Parents you must sound the alarm loudly as God's Ambassadors to your children. Don't compromise the truth because you are afraid to loose them. If you have to do that, they are already lost, so tell them the truth to save them!

Children, young and old, parents are not perfect but neither are you. Let the wisdom of your parents years and experience be a blessing to you. Please stop insisting on your own ways or rights, surrender them to God so you can truly hear what your parents have to impart to you.

Let God lead you, and allow God to use your parents to be the blessing they were intended to be. If you do, you will learn truly how to hear God, obey Him, and do His commands because you just love Him.

God has given us parents for a reason and they are a spiritual covering over our lives not just when we are young, but throughout all our lives. There roles change as we grow older, but their wise counsel is surely needed.

My mom is 88 years old and she still speaks into all our lives with wisdom of her age and walk with God. We have women in their late 50's- 70's in our ministry and as Elders, they are spiritual Mom's and Dad's we must learn from who can teach us the ways of God!

True discipleship begins here. If you can obey your parents in the Lord which is right in God's sight, you will learn how to pay true spiritual parents in the Lord as well, but even more you will learn to have and obedient heart and willing spirit to do all of God's will for your life. 

I have never seen the stubborn and rebellious ever do anything with their life for the Lord. In fact, they do the opposite they kill, steal and destroy under the power of the enemy all they touch and love.

Beloved Children of God, we have a choice whether to obey God, and obey his commands for our lives or not. Yet, God makes it clear through the Apostle Paul, "children, obey your parents in the Lord [as His representatives], for this is just and right.Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother—this is the first commandment with a promise—That all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.

I close with these scriptures from Proverbs on how God truly is trying to teach us of Kingdom life with one simple step. Honor your Mother and your Father, and obey your parents in the Lord. Selah!

Proverbs 6:20
My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
Proverbs 23:22
Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

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