Divine Appointments with God:
Beloved, I have been writing a lot about the transition of the closing of the church age we have all been in for the last 2000 years, and the entrance into the 3rd day Kingdom age which will usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth with Jesus ruling as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In that transition God is restoring to us what we lost over the past 2000 years that was birthed in the early days of the church. Yet what God is restoring is greater than what they had. “For the Glory of the latter house will be greater than the former house.” Haggai 2:9
The Lord is now giving us the “former and latter rain” Joel 2:23 as He restores the true “Tabernacle of David”Acts 15:16 in our midst and, we enter fully the end time Feast of Tabernacle. Deut. 16.16
In this restoration it is no longer what we can do for God. It is no longer just living for Christ, or working for Christ, It is the revelation of Jesus Christ the hope of Glory in us. It is the revelation and experience of being a Bride who is one with her Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Rev. 19:7-8
Over the past few years we have had an Increase manifested presence of the Lord in our gatherings of believers. God has taken his people out of Egypt where we went to church services, into the wilderness where we had “church-home group type meetings” to the Promised Land of Holy Spirit filled and led us into the "Kingdom of God reality of Believer’s gathering "fully under the headship of King Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
These gathering look nothing like any meetings or services we have had in the past, and look more like the gathering of believers that came together in the books of Acts. In those gatherings they fasted and prayed, worshiped and waited upon the Lord until the Holy Spirit spoke and revealed the heart and mind of God in all their midst.
Why is there so little of God's Glory and Manifest Presence in our services and meetings:
Why do we see so little of the glory of God in our services and meetings today? I know in many services and meetings many allow the Holy Spirit to come or enter true worship you can feel His presence to a measure. Often time constraints and our own agenda never let us get behind the veil where you experience the Manifest Presence of God where He reveals His person and presence in us and to us.
What is the answer to the question about so little Glory of God revealed in our services and meetings? Because, they are still mostly man-centered and man-led in origin. They are focused in meeting the needs of men often before meeting the needs of God first.
There is no time to wait upon Him to see and hear what He desires to do and say in the meetings. Most services have a specific agenda, a specific time frame, and a direction set by someone, either the Pastor or the leader of the group on where they thing God wants them to go.
I am not speaking ill of these services and meetings. They have, and had a divine purpose until now. Until the new day that has dawned in our midst that desire us to know the Lord’s intentions and plans as we meet together.
These services and meetings have held us over until the time when the Kingdom of God would begin to manifest on Earth in our "gathering together" in the Lord where God can make known His heart and intentions and his desires for His people.
Those of you who go to services and meetings don’t be offended, I am merely outlining the “greater” that the Lord wants to bring to us in our gatherings. Notice Jesus didn’t say, when two or more have a service, or two or more have a meeting. He said, “when two or more GATHER TOGETHER IN MY NAME, there I AM IN THEIR MIDST. Matthew 15:29 That is what the Feast of Tabernacles is all about. God dwelling with his people and his people with him!
Did you notice He didn’t say my presence would be in your midst? He says, directly THERE I AM IN THEIR MIDST. Here are some other Bible translations: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” NIV, For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” (Living Bible) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (KJV)
Gathering together:
The key words to notice in this verse are GATHER TOGETHER! In many churches today and groups, the Pastors and Leaders are feeling the tug of the Holy Spirit to let go of “control” to allow more time for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and they are doing that. The Lord is very pleased with that heart attitude. Yet Beloved’s, that is not far enough for us to truly enter the Kingdom of God reality.
When we are just coming together to service to “get fed” have some “time of worship” or to “hear a good message or sermon” as in a “church service or meeting," we are missing so much more of God. In services and meetings it is true we are gathered, but we may not be “gathered together” in God’s intended purposes of that gathering, because we didn’t ask or take time to wait in His presence.
Whenever a group of believers truly wait upon the Lord and enter true and holy worship of the Lord as he would desire, everyone will know “Jesus is in the midst of them.” In church services and meetings people can experience the presence of the Lord but never experience His manifest presence or person revealed in their midst. There is just no room for Him to come!
The present church system style services and meetings truly intentionally or unintentionally hinder the saints in becoming the spiritually mature Saints God desires us to be. We are to become full grown Sons and Daughters of God. What is God’s intended purposes for our gatherings?
One reason is found in Ephesians chapter 4: 11 And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.
12 His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church),
13 [That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him.
If we would be honest as Pastors and leaders and as God’s people, we would look at the present way we conduct our "meetings or services” and agree this type of meeting has some good in it, but it will never get us to the above scriptures found in Ephesians 4.
The present chuche age "services" system and group meetings will never cause the saints to come into maturity. I encourage you to read Hebrews chapter 9:1-10 from the Amplified version and you will come across the following verses that conclude with this, “8 By this the Holy Spirit points out that the way into the [true Holy of] Holies is not yet thrown open as long as the former [the outer portion of the] tabernacle remains a recognized institution and is still standing,
9 Seeing that that first [outer portion of the] tabernacle was a parable (a visible symbol or type or picture of the present age). In it gifts and sacrifices are offered, and yet are incapable of perfecting the conscience or of cleansing and renewing the inner man of the worshiper.
What are we feeding God's people:
We as leaders have been feeding the sheep from the Holy Place and some leader are feeding the sheep from the outer courts getting the same people saved every week. Depending on what a leader or Pastor allows the Holy Spirit to do in the gatherings determines where they go. The question we must ask “what are we feeding the sheep of God?” Are we feeding them from what we “think God wants” for our services? Are we setting the agenda?
Are the saints in our care truly growing in Christian Character that reflects the true love of God in service to Him first and then the needs of others? Have we made wonderful “social services” ministry just focused on the needs of men, but missing the needs of God’s heart?
Are our church services and meeting places for men to come and receive more of men’s fellowship and little of God fellowship? Or conversely are they meetings where God can come and meet with men and they get more of God and less of men?
We must ask ourselves some serious questions? Do the people in our church services and groups truly know God or about God? Are they intimate with Him? Are they understanding what it means to be a bride without spot or wrinkle?
Are they learning to become spiritual with the full operations of the gift of the Holy Spirit manifesting through them all as God would will to build up the whole body? Is the body building itself up in love?
Or are we entertaining them, hyping them, and then waiting for another “message from a Pastor or a group leader?” Are there eyes focused on the Pastor or group leader to do everything for them, or do they truly see Jesus in their midst and men including leaders humbled in the manifest presence of God?
These are the real questions Pastors and Leaders must ask themselves if they ever desire to transition themselves, and the sheep of God, and the local church from the 2nd day horizontal church age to the vertical 3rd day Kingdom of God gatherings God desires to unfolds?
Beloved, what we do now we have done that for centuries and the church is mostly powerless, sickly and anemic and at our present course and speed. The world is laughing at us, spitting in our faces and calling us hypocrites. If we continue to do the same thing over and over again in the Holy place ministry what will change?
Worse, the people God entrusted with us will not be able to have true spirit filled faith to stand in the hour and day that is now coming upon the Earth. Why? They won’t be spiritually mature, but mere infants in the Word of God.
Will the Saints come to fully maturity under our care?:
In the book of Acts when the Apostles went to choose people to distribute food to the widows, they said, choose from amongst us 7 men FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FULL OF FAITH and of GOOD CHARACTER!
Beloved’s God expects His people to mature in character and the fullness of the Holy Spirit and full of faith to do the simple instructions in giving out food to the widows. God required men who were truly spiritual. Spirit -filled men, spirit -led men, men controlled by the desires and dictates of Holy Spirit. Let’s read Acts 6:2-4 (men is generic for men and women)
2 Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. 3 Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; 4 but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
In the early church men and women were expected to grow up to be spiritual Fathers and Mothers. How man Spiritual mothers and fathers are in a local congregation today full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit?
Beloved’s, The Holy Spirit’s operation and work in our life is what makes us spiritual. He sheds the love of God abroad in our hearts and refines us like a refining fire! Have you noticed what part of the God-head is most often attacked in the House of God? The Holy Spirit!
He is the one we can grieve. He is the one we can quench. He is the one if we speak evil of that could cause you never to be forgiven.Matthew 12:31-32 Why? The Holy Spirit came to reveal Christ in us and through us and to teach us all things Christ did and said.
He came to convict of sin, righteousness and judgement. He was sent to us to live Christ victorious life in our life as we surrender fully to God for him to both “will it” that life as ours and “work it” in us, for God’s intended purposes. Phil: 212-13
12 Therefore, my dear ones, as you have always obeyed [my suggestions], so now, not only [with the enthusiasm you would show] in my presence but much more because I am absent, work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).
13 Not in your own strength for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.
What brethren is the right course?
Beloved’s, The third day Kingdom age has begun with the putting away of all that is flesh, and all that is religious, and all that is from the mind and thoughts of men to truly wait upon the Lord in His presence as we gather together in His name.
This is going to be most critical for us as believers if we are going to stand in the days of ahead. Now is the time to train and equip the Saints of God. The Holy Spirit is doing that if we will let him transition us out of church services and meetings into Kingdom of God Believer’s gatherings.
What do these gatherings look like You find the order of worship as God desires in 1st Corinthians 14:26 “What then, brethren, is [the right course]? When you gather together, each one has a hymn, a teaching, a disclosure of special knowledge or information, an utterance in a [strange] tongue, or an interpretation of it. [But] let everything be constructive and edifying and for the good of all. AMP
Remember this, Jesus said, “where two or more are GATHERED IN MY NAME, there I am in the midst of them. "We are seeing this with our own eyes, but there are some key concepts that must be recognized.
Gathering the sheep or herding them? :
First the word “gathered” does not mean herded. In some places, the Sunday morning services means to “herd” them in and out all morning long at different times to hear the same message from the Pastor. We even boast we have 5 services on Sunday cause we have so many people coming here.
This mentality gives us a herding mentality. God’s people have become like a herd of sheep coming to the troth to drink by hearing a ‘message” from the pastor and then go home to live out their lives basically as business as usual with a few more concepts about God.
In those type of services we herd them in like sheep and give them all the same food no matter how old or young they are or what their true spiritual state is and never bring them to God Himself who can meet their true spiritual needs as they learn to meet His. Often time the whole service is to get people saved or rededicated Sunday after Sunday.
Very little is accomplished by the Holy Spirit in causing the believers to mature in their spiritual facilities in these type of herding services or meetings. Why, because everything is done for them by the Pastor or leaders.
The scriptures are on a screen, someone tells them the 5 points of what they have to live by. The songs of worship are picked out in advance for them. The bulletin tells them everything they have to do. Yet, none of true Kingdom of God life is seen or experienced.
A true gathering of believers:
When God truly can find a “gathering of believers” who come to meet in a specific place at a certain time with no agenda and no one taking ownership of the meeting, but allowing Jesus to be the head of it, the Lord will come and manifest Himself in that gathering through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In that gathering there will be a time spent greatly on waiting upon the Lord, perhaps quietly, perhaps in songs of worship and love, but the focus will not be on “get something from God” but to “give something to God” as living sacrifices.
In these gatherings, there is a true sense of humility and brokenness which is the foundation of the Kingdom of God. In these gatherings we wait upon the Lord as it says in Isaiah 40 until we know we have mounted up on wings of Eagles.
This is a real and tangible spiritual lifting our of the earthly and carnal mind upward in the Holy Spirit where the wind of God’s Spirit fills us and all that have gathered in that place to truly hear and know God Himself.
Our spiritual senses are awakened by the Holy Spirit as He lifts us out of the things of the earthly life that were around us, and now focus all of our attention upon God and His kingdom. It is in this place we begin to receive revelation knowledge and experience the Holy Spirit has come to bring to us.
It is here, God give us His thoughts and plans for us to truly see and know. It is here he brings us into true union and communion with Himself. It is here we begin to enter the true Kingdom reality, Christ in us, the hope of Glory! It is here we learn how to function not for just a "gathering" but we are changed from glory to glory so now we can function through the Kingdom of God's power in all our daily situations of life. We have been trained by God Himself!
When the spiral lifting comes, the Holy Spirit will speak and work through whoever He wills. One may have a teaching, one may sing a song, one may prophecy, another give an utterance in tongues, another an interpretation of tongues.
The Holy Spirit may expound the scriptures He desires to make flesh in our hearts, but the words and working that manifest and all that transpires in this gathering is not by the will of men but by the Holy Spirit’s leading to bring us to the heart of the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In Kingdom Gatherings there are no designated leaders but the Holy Spirit, but there are mature elders are there that help guide by the Holy Spirit those younger in faith into the deeper things of God. In these gatherings God heals people emotionally, physically and spiritually as we get closer and closer to his heartbeat.
The Holy Spirit takes us behind the veil of the Holy of Holies into the very glory realm of God and not one sickness can stay, not one devil can stay and not one heart broken will not be mended.
What do the 5 fold ministry gifts do? What does a Pastor now do in this type of gathering? Exactly what everyone else does, wait upon the Lord and speak and do only what the Holy Spirit tells him to do for himself and for the flock of God.
The difference between services, meetings and gatherings will be that everyone will see Jesus and not the Pastor. Everyone will become dependent upon Jesus and the Holy Spirit and not on men. Pastors and 5 fold leaders will function truly as Spiritual Fathers and Mothers who have no desire to bring people to them or their ministry or church, but to God Himself.
Beloved the Holy Spirit desires to work through everyone and anyone who is willing to allow Him to from the youngest to the oldest. In the type of gatherings the Holy Spirit breathes on everyone and equips us all to build His body up in the love of God.
Amen, let it come Lord Jesus, let it come.
Below is a testimony of what God did last Saturday night June 28, 2015
A testimony from Saturday night:
In our last two gatherings we have seen such an increase of the outworking of the Holy Spirit that we can’t even stand. Both the week before and last nights meeting started at 7 pm and ended after midnight the previous week and after 1 am last night.
Beloved’s Jesus was surely in our midst. The Holy Spirit flowed through the whole body from as young as 8 years old to 88 years old. In last nights meeting the Lord revealed His river to us and invited everyone to jump in. This started about 7 pm after an intense time of pure worship with Him. For the next 5 hrs, God spoke through everyone and revealed to us of Ezekiel’s river from looking at it to going ankle deep, knee deep, waste deep, up to our neck and then over our head.
In each revelation there were continuous utterances in tongues and interpretation of tongues. Those who never gave an utterance in tongues did so. Those who never gave an interpretation of tongues did so. Almost every single person was used by God.
Songs came forth, spontaneous songs, and songs of deliverance came with one song being, “I am breaking down the walls.” That is exactly what happened to prepare us for what was to come of the revealing of the river of God. The songs that came forth were not planned but prompted by the Holy Spirit to set free those who needed to come deeper or even jump into the river.
I wish you could have been there, words came forth from 8 and 10 years olds that were so hard like “why are you keeping your heart from me? Why are you only giving half of your life and heart to me?” If you continue to do so you won’t be fit for the kingdom.” Through a 6 year old and 8 year old girl a 10 year old boy and 14 year old girl and then those in the 20’s and older, God revealed His heart and his desires to us. We all knew that Jesus was in our midst.
There was such a love manifested to us. With that love a call to repent from a life of compromise came forth. Next, A call came to jump in to the river of God so a new faith can come forth from us and for us to be healed. The Lord waited patiently for those to come, some wouldn’t come and the voice of the Lord got louder and stronger, as we heard the voice of many waters in our midst.
Very strong words of warning came from the youngest in our group! Go Figure! If it came from adult the stubborn wouldn’t listen but when an 8 year old speaks stinging hammer words of the Holy Spirit people take notice.
There were tears shed from the heart of God through the words he gave to draw us into the deep. There were revelations from God that we are not to sell our birthright like Esau. There were tender words that God wanted to give us all He is and heal us, if we would just give him the totality of our being. The “message” we heard last night didn’t come from someone studying for a week to bring something to His flock. The message came from the very heart of God through the Holy Spirit to his people! This was 1st Corinthians 14:26 in action.
His message didn’t come from behind a pulpit but through His body. It was incredible! I have never seen in 28 years gatherings like we have experienced like the last 2 weeks. All of us were changed by His glory in our midst. There were no leaders, no hype, no agenda, no plans except God’s. All we did was wait upon Him.
We came for His needs and we came to love him as he deserved to be loved. We weren’t looking for something from His hand, but to give Him something from our hearts. He took what he wanted us to brin him and he blessed it, broke it, and then poured upon us like living water.
God so worked through the whole body parts as I have never seen before ever! Jesus was in our midst. Jesus was in our midst. All the Glory went to God and not to men. No one left saying “that was a great message Pastor.” All left stunned by the power and glory of God in our midst. The fear of the Lord was with us all. The best part was no one else was seen or given recognition but God by the Holy Spirit in our midst.
No one could deny it. If there was an unsaved one there last night in this manifestation of the Holy Spirit in his people they would have been in awe and would have fallen on their faces and repented as the word of God said they would. “God is amongst you!” Why? Because their heart would have been laid bare before a Holy God that called them to repent.
Beloveds, I went to church services for years, I learned a lot and was changed by them, but I could never be completed by that type of service and meeting. I always left hungering for more and could never find it there.
I have been to meetings for years led by the Holy Spirit some and they caused us to grow some more, but left hungering for even more than that!
Summary of this post:
Beloved’s what God is doing now in the “true Spirit led and Spirit filled gathering of Believers’ as God desires them to be is breath taking and they are making us complete. As we come into the true experience of the “Tabernacle of David” being restored in our midst, revelation knowledge from God is bringing the true reality of the Kingdom of God in our midst.
In these gatherings, the Kingdom of God is being seen in us and through us that we can desire to enter of the fullness of it more and more. This our present church services and group meeting will never be able to do. They weren’t made to. They were to keep us until now where the 3rd day Kingdom of God reality is being burned and established in our hearts. They Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is heaven.
I want to encourage any Pastor and Leader to allow the Holy Spirit how to dismantle the outer court focus of your church services. I pray you will allow Him to dismantle the Holy Place ministry we have in our charismatic services and groups.
I pray you will allow you to enter the Holy of Holies where the 3rd day gatherings with the Lord are essential. In that place King Jesu through the Holy Spirit does the leading, working, instructing, imparting and directing us into His will and purpose so the Kingdom of God will manifest in us and through us on Earth as it is Heaven.
Be encouraged the reality of the Kingdom of God in in our midst!
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