A word for us today: How big is our God!
How big is our God? How big is he to forgive our sins and remember them no more as far as the East is from the West? How big is our God when we deserve judgment He gives us grace? He resist the proud but give grace to the humble. Is being right as important as being righteous?
I remember once in a situation where I was being treated wrongly, and what was being done to me was so evil it hurt me badly. I could not understand why another Christian would ever do that to another. What was being done to me, spoken about me hurt.
Every day I had to ask God, do not let my heart become hardened. Every day I would cry out to the Lord to forgive this person. I asked the Lord, "why is this person doing this to me." But I never got an answer for months!
Finally after much agony in prayer the Lord answered me 6 months later and said, "do you see what you hate in that person that is hurting you, that is what is in you. That seed was in King David and I why I allowed Saul to persecute him.
David could have become King Saul II, but through the injustice and being pursued to be killed, David learned my heart. He learned to trust me that vengeance was the Lords. He allowed me to remove the pride that was in Saul from his heart.
When he had the opportunity to Kill Saul twice and came before Saul, David said, "Father, what I have done to you, have I done this evil that you would kill me?" Saul repented for a while and then pursued David again.
The Lord said, "Henry, David would have been "Right" to take justice in his own hands. He had ever reason to not forgive Saul. He had every right to hold a grudge, but he would not. Saul wanted him dead, why not kill him and take the throne now?
But David would not do it. He had to trust God knew what He was doing and that God chose Him and God would establish him by His own hands not by Davids.That day came when Saul and Jonathan were killed. What did David do? Through a party and say "ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead?
No beloved, When Saul and Jonathan died, he wept over them. He did not rejoice, "finally they are gone." Why? This man David was a "man after God's heart."
He wanted what God wanted, not what he wanted. He remembered that Saul was God's chosen vessel. He knew not to touch God's anointed and do his prophets no harm. Oh, if we just learn that in the Body of Christ.
When we are faced with evil speaking against us, or injustice done to us, what would we do in those situations? Would we choose as wisely as David? David could have demanded his rights.
He could of taken the throne by force, but he gave up his rights and those rights to allow God to choose? He did not lift His voice against Saul nor slander him to his mighty man. He taught them to honor and respect God.
Beloved is that what we do when we are faced with a wrong or injustice? Do we so quickly become another persons judge and jury, when the Lord said, "before you take the speck ouf of your brother's eye get the plank out of yours?
One of the greatest test we face is when we know we are right about something? We say, "This injustice was really done to me." I deserve not to be treated like taht. I deserve the respect of who I am. I know I faced it. I was tempted to tell everyone what was being done to me and why? I was not wrong!
Even others saw it and said, "why is this person doing this to you?" Yet I could not even bring one accusation, one ounce of defense to defend myself. I had to stop others instantly from speaking against this person and say nothing. I told them don't touch God's anointed.
Beloved, the Lord would let me tell know one but Donna. I had to keep the secret betrayal private. Why? Because it was not between me and that person, or anyone else, it was between me and my God.
What was I going to do? Would I demand revenge, payback? How would I pray for this person? What light was I going to see this person in? Would I judge? Would I condemn." Finally God said, "do you see what is in that person? I said yes Lord it is pride!"
Then the Lord said, "that is what is in you, and you would become just like that if i didn't allow you to see this in this person's life." "Now that you see it, I want to remove from you and in you. I have come to remove those roots so you will never do the the same thing."
I prayed, "Lord is you ever bring me to a place to lead, I pray I will never do to others that which was done to me." I pray by the grace of God I have never done that.
You see what is the lesson of love? It is to FORGIVE OTHERS AS GOD HAS FORGIVEN US! That is what David had to learn. He had to forgive Saul and leave Saul into God's hand to establish or remove.
Phil 2:5 says, Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]"
In my situation the Lord said to me, "Do you understand Henry, you are right in this situation and what is being done to you is evil and wrong, but you can be right going all the way to hell, if you don't forgive."
"There are many in hell who took their "rightness with them" because they refused to forgive and let go of what was done to them." So I could not forgive them, because the choose to hold unto the offense and not forgive."
He said, "Henry being right is not righteous." "My kingdom is first righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." "Those that love me and know my mercy and forgiveness have no desire to be "right," but to be Holy as I am Holy and walk in the love and mercy I have given them to give to others.
Beloved's what is God's love based in, is it not to forgive us of our sins? Did he not die for the reasons we so wronged him? Did he do anything to us that we should hate him and not want him? But we did that to him did we not before we knew His salvation?
Has he not taught us in prayer we are "to forgive others of their trespasses" as He forgive us? Today, let us not focus on being right, but let us be focused on being righteous, but not our own righteousness, but to be filled with the righteousness of God and His kingdom. Remember, mercy triumphs over judgment.
When God told me about being right and going to hell, all I could do is let the injustice go, and choose to forgive the one who was persecuting and hurting me completely. The Lord helped me do this and in the end He restored my relationship with this person completely.
Love won! Mercy Triumphed! So beloved, if your right hand offend you cut it off and bring every hurt and offense into the light of God's love to heal you and let us be like David, when given the opportunity to rmove the one that hurt us, he releases him into God's hand. Selah
How big is our God? How big is he to forgive our sins and remember them no more as far as the East is from the West? How big is our God when we deserve judgment He gives us grace? He resist the proud but give grace to the humble. Is being right as important as being righteous?
I remember once in a situation where I was being treated wrongly, and what was being done to me was so evil it hurt me badly. I could not understand why another Christian would ever do that to another. What was being done to me, spoken about me hurt.
Every day I had to ask God, do not let my heart become hardened. Every day I would cry out to the Lord to forgive this person. I asked the Lord, "why is this person doing this to me." But I never got an answer for months!
Finally after much agony in prayer the Lord answered me 6 months later and said, "do you see what you hate in that person that is hurting you, that is what is in you. That seed was in King David and I why I allowed Saul to persecute him.
David could have become King Saul II, but through the injustice and being pursued to be killed, David learned my heart. He learned to trust me that vengeance was the Lords. He allowed me to remove the pride that was in Saul from his heart.
When he had the opportunity to Kill Saul twice and came before Saul, David said, "Father, what I have done to you, have I done this evil that you would kill me?" Saul repented for a while and then pursued David again.
The Lord said, "Henry, David would have been "Right" to take justice in his own hands. He had ever reason to not forgive Saul. He had every right to hold a grudge, but he would not. Saul wanted him dead, why not kill him and take the throne now?
But David would not do it. He had to trust God knew what He was doing and that God chose Him and God would establish him by His own hands not by Davids.That day came when Saul and Jonathan were killed. What did David do? Through a party and say "ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead?
No beloved, When Saul and Jonathan died, he wept over them. He did not rejoice, "finally they are gone." Why? This man David was a "man after God's heart."
He wanted what God wanted, not what he wanted. He remembered that Saul was God's chosen vessel. He knew not to touch God's anointed and do his prophets no harm. Oh, if we just learn that in the Body of Christ.
When we are faced with evil speaking against us, or injustice done to us, what would we do in those situations? Would we choose as wisely as David? David could have demanded his rights.
He could of taken the throne by force, but he gave up his rights and those rights to allow God to choose? He did not lift His voice against Saul nor slander him to his mighty man. He taught them to honor and respect God.
Beloved is that what we do when we are faced with a wrong or injustice? Do we so quickly become another persons judge and jury, when the Lord said, "before you take the speck ouf of your brother's eye get the plank out of yours?
One of the greatest test we face is when we know we are right about something? We say, "This injustice was really done to me." I deserve not to be treated like taht. I deserve the respect of who I am. I know I faced it. I was tempted to tell everyone what was being done to me and why? I was not wrong!
Even others saw it and said, "why is this person doing this to you?" Yet I could not even bring one accusation, one ounce of defense to defend myself. I had to stop others instantly from speaking against this person and say nothing. I told them don't touch God's anointed.
Beloved, the Lord would let me tell know one but Donna. I had to keep the secret betrayal private. Why? Because it was not between me and that person, or anyone else, it was between me and my God.
What was I going to do? Would I demand revenge, payback? How would I pray for this person? What light was I going to see this person in? Would I judge? Would I condemn." Finally God said, "do you see what is in that person? I said yes Lord it is pride!"
Then the Lord said, "that is what is in you, and you would become just like that if i didn't allow you to see this in this person's life." "Now that you see it, I want to remove from you and in you. I have come to remove those roots so you will never do the the same thing."
I prayed, "Lord is you ever bring me to a place to lead, I pray I will never do to others that which was done to me." I pray by the grace of God I have never done that.
You see what is the lesson of love? It is to FORGIVE OTHERS AS GOD HAS FORGIVEN US! That is what David had to learn. He had to forgive Saul and leave Saul into God's hand to establish or remove.
Phil 2:5 says, Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]"
In my situation the Lord said to me, "Do you understand Henry, you are right in this situation and what is being done to you is evil and wrong, but you can be right going all the way to hell, if you don't forgive."
"There are many in hell who took their "rightness with them" because they refused to forgive and let go of what was done to them." So I could not forgive them, because the choose to hold unto the offense and not forgive."
He said, "Henry being right is not righteous." "My kingdom is first righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." "Those that love me and know my mercy and forgiveness have no desire to be "right," but to be Holy as I am Holy and walk in the love and mercy I have given them to give to others.
Beloved's what is God's love based in, is it not to forgive us of our sins? Did he not die for the reasons we so wronged him? Did he do anything to us that we should hate him and not want him? But we did that to him did we not before we knew His salvation?
Has he not taught us in prayer we are "to forgive others of their trespasses" as He forgive us? Today, let us not focus on being right, but let us be focused on being righteous, but not our own righteousness, but to be filled with the righteousness of God and His kingdom. Remember, mercy triumphs over judgment.
When God told me about being right and going to hell, all I could do is let the injustice go, and choose to forgive the one who was persecuting and hurting me completely. The Lord helped me do this and in the end He restored my relationship with this person completely.
Love won! Mercy Triumphed! So beloved, if your right hand offend you cut it off and bring every hurt and offense into the light of God's love to heal you and let us be like David, when given the opportunity to rmove the one that hurt us, he releases him into God's hand. Selah
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